At the foundation of our faith is respect for the human person. Our Catholic teachings dictate that we ensure social justice by protecting the dignity of life and reducing social and economic inequalities. Sharing both material and spiritual goods is at the heart of these efforts.
Pick 7 Community Food Distribution: Our parish opens its doors monthly to anyone who needs food. Each person through the door of any age can pick seven items from the available options. No judgment. No negative stigma - just joyful giving! This outreach is open to anyone, no questions asked. Contact the parish office for the next Pick 7 date.
Pick 7 Food Distribution Grocery Needs List
Giving With Grace: Our Giving With Grace is an annual program during the Christmas season to help those in need in Crown Point and surrounding communities. This program ensures the Christmas season is brighter for those less fortunate and is empowered by God's love and our will and desire to do God's work to help those in need.
Prayer Shawl/Sewing Ministry: Ladies of the parish knit and crochet prayer shawls, lap covers, and baby blankets to bring God’s love, peace, and comfort to whoever receives them. As the ladies are working, they are praying for the recipient. All completed garments are blessed by Father Jim.
Outreach: Our Community assistance program will help with rent, mortgage, or utility bills up to $50 providing that recipients are Crown Point residents or parishioners and also that they have not already been evicted or disconnected.
Northwest Indiana Veterans Village: St. Matthias is committed to its partnership with the Veterans Village of NWI by bringing the residents together for a community meal that is donated, prepared, and served by the parishioners and friends of St. Matthias. This ministry serves those veterans who were chronically homeless before they arrived at the village. It brings our parish community together with theirs while breaking bread together.
Albertine Home Bingo: What started out as a Women's Ministry Outreach Opportunity has turned into a beloved event for all parishioners as we join together with the Albertine Sisters and the residents of the Albertine Home for an afternoon of bingo and laughs. All ages are welcome and the prizes are sponsored by the St. Matthias Women's Ministry.